Categories: Hydrovac Excavation

Facts You Should Know About Hydrovac

‘Hydrovac’ or ‘Hydro Excavation’ is the only non-destructive method of digging into the soil or ground. This process of excavation includes injecting a forceful stream of pressurized water into the ground to soften it. After that, a vacuum system is used to collect the mixture of soil and water safely into the attached storage tank. Some areas of application include digging into the ground, collecting debris, and discovering underground facilities such as gas lines or pipelines. Here are four facts you might want to know about Hydrovac and its usage.

1. Hydrovac is Non-Destructive

Unlike mechanical excavation that generally uses metal shovels and claws; hydro excavation does not damage the underground facilities since it simply uses pressurized water. There are cases when one might not be certain as to what lies underneath the surface (there is a possibility of having underground pipelines). Standard hydrovac trucks in Edmonton are generally safer bets, as it ensures there is hardly any damage caused due to the digging activities.

2. Hydrovac is Accurate

Hydrovac uses pressurized water, and turns the stiff ground into muck. The direction that is provided during hydro excavation is very precise, yet the flow remains intense. Greater control while using the pressurized jet also results in a more accurate, and precise excavation. This method, thus, is ideal when digging slim lines of trenches and slits without any damage to the area that surrounds it. Gardens and parks often have a drainage problem, making them very valid places that could use some of this precise form of excavation.

3. Hydrovac is Efficient

Another crucial aspect where the incessantly efficient hydrovac trucks in Edmonton outperform their mechanical counterparts is efficiency. It is remarkable what this pressurized stream of water does to solid ground. Rendering the ground loose, this is ideal, since it becomes rather easy for the trucks to use the vacuum system to good effect, to clear the debris without wasting much time. What could take days, hydrovac trucks in Edmonton accomplishes within hours. Furthermore, hydrovac is also cost-efficient since it causes no damage to surrounding areas, preventing wastage of financial resources that go into repair work.

4. Hydrovac is Suitable for Cold Climate

For someone operating in Canada, this is an advantage of gigantic proportions because as excavation service providers already know, it could be very difficult to conduct their digging operations on cold, hard ground. The pressurized water that is used while injecting into the ground is heated since certain hydrovac trucks in Edmonton provide the heating facility as well. This is especially useful for people conducting digging operations in the bitter cold.

Hydrovac services are used for a wide range of activities. You might find this method of excavation particularly helpful if you need to create trenches, testing underground pipeline utilities, Daylighting, direction drill and bore support, and debris clearing. For those in need of quality hydrovac trucks in Edmonton, Sierra Hydrovac is a reliable partner. Contact them for a free quote.


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