hydrovac services

Everything you Need to Know About Hydrovac Daylighting

Excavation is an important aspect of several businesses like construction, mining, and oil and gas to name a few. Hydrovac services are site excavation methods that use ‘hydro’ or water power. This excavation process uses pressurized water to remove soil and other materials to expose underground utilities. It is a cost-effective and safe method as it utilizes quality equipment and ensures no underground infrastructures are damaged.

Hydrovac services offered by hydrovac companies are available in different forms depending on the site and excavation needs. One of the popular services is hydrovac daylighting. Read on to find out more about daylighting.

Hydrovac Services – What is Hydrovac daylighting?

The term daylighting describes the process of unearthing and exposing underground utilities and pipelines to the light of day. The unearthing of buried lines was traditionally done by hands using age-old tools. Most recently, air vacuum excavation has been used to bring to surface underground utilities. While the drawbacks of manual digging are understood, air vacuum excavation has its own disadvantages like increased time and effort, reduced productivity, lack of safety, and more.

Hydrovac daylighting is a non-destructive, safe way of excavating, which replaces the traditional system of hand digging and air vacuum excavation.

Where is Hydrovac Daylighting Used?

Hydrovac daylighting is used in a wide range of excavation and cleaning applications like potholing, exposure of buried pipes and cables, culvert cleanouts, service repair pits, trenching pole holes, types of debris removal, tank cleaning, and shoring installations.

Benefits of Hydrovac Daylighting

Traditional methods of unearthing underground pipes and cables came with several drawbacks. Exposing a cable or pipe through these methods could take hours together depending on the depth of the underground utility. Plus, hand digging has also resulted in the damage to utilities. Hydrovac daylighting is comparatively a safe and speedy method. It is used to enhance project safety, increase productivity, and decrease project costs. There are several benefits of using hydrovac daylighting including:

  • Increased Productivity and Safety

This process takes less time and is surrounded by stringent safety standards developed and incorporated by a team of safety experts. Hydrovac companies that offer this service, use quality equipment to make it quick and safe. Plus, the procedure takes less time as compared to traditional methods. Trained professionals, combined with quality products, increases productivity, safety, and also reduces overall project time and cost.

  • Powerful and Flexible

Hydrovac daylighting can be used in areas having limited access or frozen soil. This procedure employs extra-long vacuum and water hoses to allow workers to work 100 feet away from the equipment and excavate up to more than 9m deep. Plus, hydrovac daylighting can be used in any weather condition, soil condition, frozen grounds, and more making it highly versatile.

If you have an excavation project, connect with us to know more about daylighting and our range of other hydrovac services.

Hydrovac Trucks Edmonton

How Hydrovac Trucks Work

In today’s age where preserving the environment has become a top priority, more and more companies are looking for environment-friendly solutions. Hydrovac excavation is thus becoming a preferred choice in most industries. Hydrovac is an excavation procedure that removes soil and exposes the underground utilities. Unlike the traditional excavating method of hand digging, the process is safe and efficient. This is because, hydrovac excavation uses only jets of water and air vacuum to uncover underground infrastructure.

Hydrovac companies carry out the process using special hydrovac trucks in Edmonton. If you want to know more about how it works, then read on to find out.

How Hydrovac Trucks Work to Carry out the Process?

As mentioned above, hydrovac excavation uses pressurized water and air vacuum. Hydrovac trucks rely on two major components to carry out hydrovac excavation – the high pressure water hose and the suction hose. Apart from these, the trucks also have a high volume storage tank where the soil and debris is transferred. Highly pressurized water is sprayed on the surface to loosen the soil and its particles and turn it to a slurry. The air vacuum hose is used to suck up the liquefied solution, gradually exposing the underground pipes and utilities. Most hydrovac trucks use fan blower air vacuums. This system can move air in large amounts, thus excavating faster. The system is also light, easy to operate and inexpensive.

Powerful hydrovac trucks can excavate up to 60 feet deep. Plus, the trucks can dig areas 600 feet far from its positioning. Hydrovac trucks can be used on any surface type including clay and icy.

Why Should you go for Hydrovac Excavation?

Hydrovac excavation is a safe and efficient way of exposing underground utilities or repairing infrastructure in sensitive areas. The conventional hand digging method used shovels and backhoes that caused harm to pipes and electric poles, damaging the surrounding environment. Plus, the process is long. Hydrovac excavation uses water and air vacuum that are safe and cause no damage to the surrounding environment or buried utilities. Additionally, using hydrovac trucks the job gets done faster. This allows businesses to avail of a cost-effective and safe method of excavation.

Partner with Hydrovac Companies for Effective Solutions

Although you can purchase hydrovac trucks or rent them, it may not be a great solution, especially when one has no knowledge about its systems. Hydrovac companies specialize in hydrovac processes. They use high-end hydrovac trucks and have professional, trained teams to handle a variety of excavation projects. Thus, it is advisable to hire hydrovac service providers.

Sierra hydrovac offers a range of excavation and hydrovac services. If you want to know more about our services, connect with us today.

Hydrovac services

Why Must You Opt For Hydrovac Excavation Services

If you need to excavate an area with sensitive underground utilities, then hydrovac excavation is the best option. Hydrovac is a method of digging an area and removing the soil. The process utilizes highly pressurized water and an air vacuum for excavation purposes.

Hydrovac companies bring a hydrovac truck to your desired location. Highly pressurized water is then released, that meshes the particles in the soil and turns it into a slurry. During the process, an air vacuum hose is also lowered to suck up the soil. Hydrovac companies are called upon for various projects requiring excavation like construction, installation of pipes, poles, and repair of underground utilities.

Unlike traditional excavation methods, hydrovac services are a lot more beneficial. Here are some reasons why you must opt for hydrovac services.

Hydrovac Excavation Is Safe and Non-Destructive

Safety is the biggest concern when working around underground utilities. Traditional methods, like hand digging, saw the usage of shovels and backhoes. One wrong strike of the equipment and you could rupture gas lines and water pipes, causing affecting the surrounding localities and workers in the area. Hydrovac companies utilize pressurized water and air vacuum that eliminates the possibility of damage. Plus, the process can also be carried out efficiently by being stationed a little far from the site. It is a non-destructive and non-mechanic process, which not only ensures the safety of utilities but also prevents labor accidents.

It is a Cost-Effective Excavating Solution

Any business would seek for cost-effective solutions to their problems. Hydrovac is a speedy and safe process for site excavation. Traditional methods of hand-digging took days to expose the underground infrastructure and did not guarantee safety. Hydrovac excavation is faster than conventional digging methods of hand shoveling. Trained labor combined with quality equipment quicken the time and minimize the project costs. Plus, the system is also capable of digging extensively. This provides you with an efficient method of excavation.

It is Flexible and Eco-Friendly

Unlike the age-old excavating processes, hydrovac is applicable on virtually all types of soil. Whether it is clay, or a frozen surface, hydrovac can be used on any type of ground. Furthermore, it can be carried out in areas that are not easily accessible. A hydrovac truck can be placed several feet away from the site to be excavated. This makes it suitable for localities with limited accessibility. The method causes no damage to the underground pipes and utilities. Thus, hydrovac services help in preserving the surrounding landscape.

Considering these benefits, hydrovac services provide you a safe and efficient excavating solution. If you want to know more or wish to opt for hydrovac, connect with us and we’d be happy to help.